In the spirit of the Rodeo here in Tucson, I thought it fitting to post on some Proctor livestock related history. Cattle and horses brought Charles A. and Frank L. to Southern Arizona. [1] One would care for the stock while the other worked. They sold the meat at auctions, to miners, to the San Carlos Indian Reservation or shipped it wherever it was needed. [2] The Proctor’s were also involved in the Live Stock Ranchmens Association and Stockgrower’s Association, Charles would serve as captain on round-ups. [3]
Both Charles and Frank worked for and with Maish & Driscoll in the 1880s-90s. Charles worked at Empire Ranch, then Canoa and back at Empire. A total of total of 14 years. He meanwhile homesteaded his own property at the Sopori ranch and Box canyon. Charles was a superintendent of Maish & Driscoll cattle interests in 1890. [4]
Frank L. was a cattle inspector for Tucson in 1893. In July, he reported that “there were 31,977 head of cattle shipped from Tucson since January 1.” [5] Quite a sum for that time. Frank also enforced cattle brands. [6]
Charles R. ranched in the Santa Ritas settling near Madera canyon where he homesteaded his own ranch and lived for 40+ years.
Henry P. worked the Box canyon ranch for over 40 years. In that time, he assisted the Santa Rita Experimental Range with developing better grazing practices and management plans. [7]
In compiling newspaper articles for Proctor Pioneer, it was learned that both Navor and Robert Proctor, grandsons of Charles A., were on the University of Arizona Rodeo team. Yes, rodeo team! In fact, the UA hosted the nation’s first intercollegiate rodeo in 1939 and it’s still going today. Navor and Robert were in the saddle bronc competition in 1947 [8] and Robert represented UA at the Flagstaff Intercollegiate Rodeo in 1948 [9]. Robert interrupted college to work on the Hoof & Mouth Disease program in Mexico and hoped return in a year to finish his degree in Agriculture. He was tragically killed by an angry mob who didn’t want their livestock vaccinated against aftosa. [10]
In 1941, George R Proctor scouted a trail in the Santa Ritas for the Forest Service (Kent Springs to Pine Pass). After WWII he returned to the Forest Service. He was dedicated to the land and a skilled horsemen riding through the country. He could out ride his crew if he really wanted to. After graduating from the University of Arizona, George also worked in Mexico on the Hoof & Mouth Disease program. [11] George also tells a gruesome story of a run in his brother had with steer and what first aid was like on the ranch.
[1] Mohave County Miner 06-08-1889
[2] Arizona Republican 10-21-1891
[3] Arizona Citizen 09-23-1893
[4] Arizona Citizen 04-12-1890
[5] Salt Lake Herald 07-06-1897
[6] Arizona Republican 09-29-1895
[7] Arizona Citizen 11-27-1942