In 1882 Frank L Proctor is mentioned in the Arizona Daily Star as staying at the Palace and Cosmopolitan Hotels in Tucson, AZ. The Palace Hotel was located near the present intersection of Meyer Street and Broadway. The Palace Hotel was owned by Maish and Driscoll, and was leased by A.J. Mitchell, then John Kingand so-on. Many well-known pioneers were guests of the hotels including H.C. Hooker, J.B. Allen, Nellie Cashman, George Hand, Pete Kitchen, and Charles Poston. The Cosmopolitan Hotel stood at the corner of Main Street and Pennington Street. (Arizona Historical Society) FLP would have been in Tucson for business as the news clipping states his main residence is Empire Ranch. It is noted that he had cattle driven from Empire to his ranch. FLP also had a fond memory of Curly Bill Brocious shooting up quail on the Clanton ranch. More of this story on
In September of 1882, Charles A Proctor and Walter Vail encounter a man needing help but turns out he had attacked two men at camp near the Total Wreck mine. The man was arrested and CAP and Vail go on to search for the other man.
1884 CAP again takes charge of the cattle operations at Empire. He was going back and forth from Canoa for Maish & Driscoll and Vail & Gates for Empire. He was a well respected cattle man. “He worked at Empire and then worked at Canoa. He was foreman and had a chuckwagon. He had a force of people because they had 10,000 calves that he ran up to Florence.” (Henry P Proctor)
August of 1885 CAP, Walter Vail and others searched with Sheriff Paul for the killer(s) of a mail carrier from the Mowry mines near Patagonia, AZ. This was at the height of Geronimo’s War, a brutal time in Southern Arizona history.
In May of 1886 an unsuccessful “hostiles” search was ended near CAP’s ranch on the Westside of the Santa Ritas, most likely the Canoa ranch. The Apaches had stolen horses from Edward Vail and others near the Empire ranch. This incident was also reported in the Daily Alta California, a popular newspaper in San Francisco.
1886 Frank ran for (Pima county?) Supervisor and won the nomination at the convention. He was running against fellow businessman, Z. T. Vail (Edward?). FLP was nominated by S. W. Carpenter.
From 1889-1892 FLP and CAP were known to drive cattle from ranch to ranch. Roaming the Munson Cienega range (Safford) to Canoa, Empire and northwest of Tucson. Drought was apparent and the ranchers took the cattle to areas where the best feed was available.
August of 1893, Pima’s cattlemen gathered to discuss local rodeos and inspections. In attendance were: Thomas Driscoll, Sabino Otero, Frank Proctor, Charles Proctor, Manuel Sameniego, William Wakefield, Edward Fish, Ramon Soto and others. FLP was selected as chairman.
May 1894 under-sheriff Frank Proctor told a story about Walter Vail getting pulled off a horse while lassoing a steer. Later in June, it is reported that FLP and brother-in-law, John Dowdle delivered 400 cattle to Empire ranch. FLP and the Dowdles had ranches near Safford, AZ.
March 1896 FLP and Walter Vail came into Tucson. FLP had an abnormal cow ear in his possession.
In 1903 CAP was mentioned in the Arizona Daily Star as “the cattleman and old foreman of the vast Vail cattle interest in the territory”. Finally in 1906, as Vail was becoming populated (Vail Station), CAP maintained the road from Vail Station to Helvetia Mining camp. By this time CAP was working his ranches on the westside of the Santa Ritas.